- Kurdish Alevism: Creating New Ways of Practicing the Religion
- Kurdish Alevis – A Peculiar Cultural Identity at the Crossroad of Multiple Ethno-Politics
- Alevism as a ‘Majority’: Alevi and Sunni Communities in Dersim
- A Never-Ending Story of an Identity Crisis or a Creative Reformulation of an Alevi-Mindset? What the Case of Alevi Youth in the German Diaspora Suggest Today?
- Kemerê Duzgi: The Protector of Dersim (Pilgrimage, Social Transformation and Revitalization of the Raa Haqi Religion)
- Thinking of Alevism as a ‘Majority’: Alevi and Sunni Communities in Dersim
- Dersim as a Sacred Land – Contemporary Kurdish Alevi Ethno-Politics and Environmental Struggle
- Gezik, Erdal & Ahmet Kerim Gültekin, “Introduction”, Kurdish Alevis and the Case of Dersim
- A Political History of Bektashism from Ottoman Anatolia to Contemporary Turkey
- Bektashism in Albania: Political History of a Religious Movement
- Spiritual Surrender: From Companionship to Hierarchy in the History of Bektashism
- An Albanian Bektashi Master, Discourse Ethnography of Learning and the Spiritual Making of an Anthropologist: An Account on Method and Content
- A Political History of Bektashism in Albania
- Confraternal Religion: From Liberation Theology to Political Reversal
- The Vefā’iyye, The Bektashiyye and Genealogies of ‘Heterodox’ Islam in Anatolia: Rethinking the Köprülü Paradigm
- Documents and Buyruk Manuscripts in the Private Archives of Alevi Dede Families: An Overview
- The AKP, sectarianism, and the Alevis’ struggle for equal rights in Turkey
- The Forgotten Dervishes: The Bektashi Convents in Iraq and their Kizilbash Clients
- The Emergence of the Kızılbaş in Western Thought: Missionary Accounts and Their Aftermath
- Subjects of the Sultan, Disciples of the Shah: Formation and Transformation of the Kizilbash/Alevi Communities in Ottoman Anatolia
- Alevis
- Dede
- Turkish Politics of Doxa: Otherizing the Alevis as Heterodox
- Religio-Secular Metamorphoses: The Re-Making of Turkish Alevism
- Public-Private Distinctions, the Alevi Question,and the Headscarf: Turkish Secularism Revisited
- Making Religion Through Secularist Legal Discourse: The Case of Turkish Alevism
- Mehmed Fuad Köprülü and The Turkish History Thesis
- George B. Nutting: Letter to the Missionary Herald (Turkey, 1860) and Baha Said Bey: Alevi Communities in Turkey-(Turkey, 1926)
- Historical Trajectories and Ambivalences of Turkish Minority Discourse
- Turkish Alevi Poetry in the Twentieth Century: The Fusion of Political and Religious Identities
- The Modern Dede: Changing Parameters for Religious Authorities in Contemporary Turkish Alevism
- Public/Private Distinctions, the Alevi Question, and the Headscarf; Turkish Secularism Revisited
- Irène Mélikoff’s Legacy: Some Remarks on Methodology
- Alevism Online: Re-Imagining a Community in Virtual Space
- Alevi Dedes in the German Diaspora: The Transformation of a Religious Institution
- Muslimische Gemeinschaften und Inkorporationsregimes: Ein Vergleich der Ahmadi-und Alevi-Diaspora in der Schweiz
- Alevis in Germany and the Politics of Recognition
- Review Article: Kurds, Zazas and Alevis
- Cem in Deutschland: Transformationen eines Rituals im Kontext der Alevitischen Bewegung
- Aleviten und Europa
- From Culture to Religion: Reframing Alevism for Recognition in Germany
- Between Dersim and Dâlahû: Reflections on Kurdish Alevism and the Ahl-i Haqq Religion
- Kurds, Turks and the Alevi Revival in Turkey
- “Aslını İnkâr Eden Haramzâdedir!”: The Debate on The Ethnic Identity of The Kurdish Alevis
- The Suppression of the Dersim Rebellion in Turkey (1937-38)
- Dersim and Dalahu: Some Reflections on Kurdish Alevism and the Ahl-i Haqq Religion
- Review article: Alevis Zazas and Kurds
- Alevi Kurds: History, Politics, Identity, Migration and Identity: An Interview with Martin van Bruinessen
- The Alevis: Religious, ERthnic or Political Minority?